PractiSmart Workers' Comp Back Office Solutions
Back Office Solutions That Will Free Your Staff of
Time-Consuming and Tedious Back Office Work!
Application for Adjudication of Claims
At PractiSmart we understand that proper electronically filing the Application of Adjudication of Claims is vital to your case. The information entered must be accurate and our highly trained staff is fastidious in making sure the details are right. We offer you one of the highest accuracy ratings in the industry.
Medical Report Review with Rating Strings
PractiSmart’s highly trained and competent workers’ compensation specialists can help review medical reports and come up with computed ratings strings and approximate permanent disability benefits based on the AMA 5th Edition Guide. Our experts are trained on old rating schedule to the latest update on California Workers’ Compensation.
Case Review and Analysis
For a fraction of a cost, PractiSmart’s Workers’ Compensation experts will draft the case analysis complete with medical record review, rating strings, permanent disability benefits, and suggestions on how to proceed with the case, as well as inconsistencies found within the reports. Our experts are trained to analyse and spot possible issues on medical reports.
Opening Letters
Petition to Join Insurance Carrier
Our high accuracy and attention to detail are vital to successfully editing the information on the Petition to Join Insurance Carrier form, including date, client name, date of injury, filing date, application date, employer and server information, and EAMS number.
Labels and Attachments
Once your firm has scanned Patient Records, we label and attach the documents to case files. This is a vital task, because the accuracy in the naming convention is critical to accessing the information and the success of the case. This step is cardinal to the Case Review and Analysis Report that we create for your legal team.
Mileage Reimbursement
PractiSmart creates the summary document as well as the letter for mileage reimbursement. Once your firm submits the injured worker’s mileage summary, we draft the table and the letter, with all entries in chronological order, and compute the total mileage for reimbursement.
Substitution of Attorneys and Dismissal of Attorney
Our high accuracy and attention to detail are vital to successfully editing the information on the Substitution of Attorneys and Dismissal of Attorney forms, including date, client and plaintiff name, name and state bar of the new attorney, contact details of each attorney, as well as addresses of those firms.
Declaration of Readiness to Proceed (DOR)
For the purpose of obtaining a hearing date and bringing a matter before a Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Judge, our competent staff at PractiSmart complete and file the Declaration of Readiness to Proceed form.
Petitions may only be filed on certain grounds and within a specific period of time. Law firms are usually busy and filing petitions within this period might be overlooked at times. PractiSmart can relieve you of this tedious back office task and save your staff time.
Like petitions, objections are filed within a specific period of time. PractiSmart can help with this tedious back office task and save your staff time to focus more on enhancing the quality of service you provide your clients.
Hearing Notices
Our high accuracy and attention to detail are vital to successfully editing the information on hearing notices, including date, client and plaintiff name, date of hearing, type of hearing, time of hearing, hearing length, place of hearing, and name of the judge.
Calendar Tasks
PractiSmart can help you and your staff save time with calendaring appointments, hearings, and depo into your system.
5710 Fee Letter and Petition
PractiSmart helps firms prepare and draft the 5710 fee letters and 5710 petitions. Since these documents should be sent out on a timely manner, our staff ensures that all information included are accurate within the specific period of time it needs to be submitted. Once prepared your staff can just send out these documents.
Request Panel QME
PractiSmart can request Panel QMEs on behalf of your office using the online QME system which includes the Panel Request form and the Proof of Service.
AME/QME Appointment
Our high accuracy and attention to detail are vital to successfully filling out the information on the QME Appointment Form. Since this form needs to be submitted within a specific period, our team of highly trained workers’ compensation specialists can help you with scheduling AME/QME appointments and drafting the necessary letters.
Declaration of Certification of No Records
If the companies, clinics, hospitals, or insurance carriers found no record of the client, then we obtain a copy of the certification stating that they have no records pertaining to that client, on your behalf.
Trials can take up most of a firm’s time. Preparing medical addendums/exhibits can be daunting especially when an injured worker has voluminous medical records. PractiSmart assists in creating exhibits/medical addendums for trials which are accurate and done in a timely manner so you and your staff do not have to worry about going through each client file to list and prepare the exhibits before the trial.
Faxing, Emailing, and Serving Subpoena Request
PractiSmart serves subpoena requests via fax or email to clinics, hospitals, insurance carriers and companies.
Input and Encode Intakes
We open the Case File on your database, create the Opening Case Packet for the file, and prepare the Client Acceptance Packet to print out to your printer. It’s easy for your staff to send out, saving them many hours of valuable time.
Call us at +1-929-677-2333 to get started!
Telephone No.+1-800-964-5171